At aquafun, the product always is the most powerful brand-building marketing tool. So we name it: aquafunpark. Not water play or water park, neither water game nor water whatever. Of course the result of the formula was very easy to achieve: water + fun + park = aquafunpark. The benefit of a well-chosen company name? Not only – but the marketing baked-in right away.
In this way, instead of marketing falling to the back end of each process or product, it is baked-in right up front. At aquafun, this approach to marketing and product design starts with the same cultural and strategy that most companies’ product groups and marketing groups have long been doing separately – but essentially combines them into one process. Marketing has a seat at the table with the product. The product has a seat at the table with marketing. And the deliverable isn’t THE marketing or THE product. The result is a fused entity.
This process yields a strategy and a narrative that can fuel not only the product alone but also the marketing, services and everything else the brand is trying to do with the product. aquafun‘s marketing invariable view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, arouse and satisfy the needs of our customers and their customers. In other words, it does develop a demand for our products and services and fulfills customer‘s needs up to all levels. This way, every aquafun customer can pass on these advantages to their customers, use them for their marketing and ultimately profit.
Think about it next time when you buy a “water park“…
An article by Ingo Popp
Inspired by Alex Bogusky's “Baked-In”
© 2023 aquafun
January 31, 2023